
No Tattoos For Jews?

I found this article at www.inkedblog.com


The Biblical ban (on Jews getting Tattoos) is Leviticus 19:28 “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord.

The general principal is that in the Jewish faith, the body belongs to God, and a person is simply borrowing it until s/he returns it in heaven.
A person violating this law was historically unable to be buried in a Jewish graveyard.

This decree has become more political since WW2. During the holocaust, Nazis tattooed numbers and letters on prisoners, knowingly violating Jewish code. Since then, tattoos in general have been a painful reminder for many Jews of the hideous atrocities that they suffered at that painful point in history.
The religious law banning the burial of tattooed Jews has since been abolished in the wake of the tattooed holocaust survivors, however; Jews with tattoos may be buried in most Jewish graveyards, though some still request laser surgery.

Currently, even though tattoos are still expressly forbidden by Jewish law, many Jews are both getting tattoos, and finding singular ways to express their Jewish heritage through unique religious tattoos.


Gotta love the ink!
Although I only have one tattoo currently (A Shamrock between my shoulder-blades and will be adding onto it) I am a big fan of folks that cover entire areas of their bodies with the art that they love.
Of course there are those that put no thought into their tattoos at all and end having random crap on their bodies that mean absolutely nothing to them or in general...too bad, so sad...what a bunch of tards. On the other hand, every once in a while I see some inkwork that really does take me aback and I'm amazed that these people have turned their bodies into walking art exhibits...wow.
I don't if I could ever justify spending that much money on ink as they, but I've sure considered it!

Any ink-wearers here?

Tell me what you've got by posting a comment...


Blogger Remnant Sons MC said...

big fan of the ink.

parrot left upper arm...no clue what I ws thinking.
trinity symbol between shoulder blades...upper.

tribal stuff across the upper back

want one more. something that sums up 43 years of life. coming out of addiction to freedom in Jesus. still searching for the perfect look for the right arm.

enjoy reading you stuff.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Kerry said...

Unfortunately, by your description I am a tard. Not that I mind; I take full responsibility for the dorky butterfly that inhabits the skin just in front of my left hip bone. True, I still like it; but I got it when I was sixteen, during my "rebellious" years. (I wasn't really rebelling against my parents, it was more of a statement against the materialism and pettiness of my high school, which was in Newport Beach. The OC's got nothing on how ridiculous it all was.)

Anyway, it's there. It looks cute in a swimsuit, which is all I cared about when I got it. I suppose I could have thought of something better to get, but I didn't really care. The butterfly was fine until the whole Mariah Carey thing, but I just pretend that never happened. I think we'd all like to forget it, actually.

I will always like my tattoo, it reminds me of the night my friends and I went up to L.A. and got tattoos from a guy who never even asked us how old we were, and then a stranger anonymously bought me gas at a station because I had paid the attendant $1.09 in pennies to get us home, and then we stayed out late just talking on the beach. And if it serves no other purpose, I'm fine with that.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. 4 inch cross on my back between my shoulder blades

2. alpha and omega symbol on the inside of my left wrist

3. tiny little star on the inside top of my ear

1. thick swirl/tribal from my shoulder to forearm on my right arm

2. fish on the top of my foot

I still love them all. Would definitely do them again if I started all over. No regrets, baby.

12:16 PM  
Blogger jimmy said...

Kanji of the word "Mercy" on the back of my neck. I've always told people that when I bow down at the judgment seat I wanted to remind God to have mercy on me. I'm getting ready to add to it. I'm going to have flames surrounding the symbol, like the flames of judgment. My thoughts on judgment have changed radically in the recent past. I've always had teh typical fear of judgment. But lately I've been reading about how the judgment fires burn away all the "chaff", the stuff in our lives that didn't have any eternal value, and the only thing that lasts through the flames is the good stuff, the things of eternal value. In that way, God's judgment is a very merciful, and beautiful thing. He takes away the bad, and leaves only the good, so, in that way...

Mercy = Judgment
Judgment = Mercy

p.s. I've got plans for more art, but I can't afford it right now.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the lion of Judah tatooed on my chest, and a large celtic whorl on my right shoulder. I have plans for a full back viking/celtic tattoo.

2:23 PM  
Blogger jimmy said...

I added the flames to the Kanji. you can see pics at my site. OOHHH my neck itches!!!

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to add some information to your Jews with tattoos blog.

There is actually no biblical restriction on Jewish people with tattoos being buried in a Jewish cemetery. It is usually a restriction placed based on the community and the temple, i.e. reform, conservative or orthodox. In fact the "biblical" restriction on tattoos is actually rabbinical (coming from the rabbis). If you took the passage literally women couldn’t pierce their ears either, and now with the ability to have tattoos removed via laser and creams its actually becoming more accepted, at least in the more reform, traditional sects.

By the way I am a proud Jew with tattoos.

8:03 PM  

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