
Terri Schiavo, Part 2

I want to bring a few important questions to the top of the pond here...because I think they're being missed and in missing them maybe we're missing a very fundamental issue hidden inside this story.

1. Why did Michael Schiavo order a full stop to all rehabilitative exercises?
I've read reports from hospice nurses that said that Terri was able to eat Jello, chew and swallow it...and Michael said (paraphrased) "Don't feed her that way, that's therapy, put the feeding tube in."
If she could eat jello, she could gain the necessary nutrients to live, isn't that right?
If Michael Schiavo hadn't ordered a full stop to all rehabilitation would Terri be in much better shape today? And would she be able to discuss her wishes personally?

2. If the rehabilitation that was happening, before Michael Schiavo put a stop to it, was working...Could she still be rehabilitated now?
Shouldn't we at least try?

3. Is Terri in pain?
From what everybody is saying, I'm hearing that "No, she's not in pain, she can't feel anything at all"...than why, OH WHY, can't we just leave her be?
She's not comatose folks.

4. There have been numerous offers from several people of several millions of dollars, that if Michael Schiavo would let go of his guardianship; Terri would receive the best care until the day she died of natural causes, no tax payer would pay another dime of support, Michael Schiavo could marry the girl he's been living with and has kids with, Terri's family would be able to visit her anytime they want AND Terri could continue the rehabilitation that was stopped so many years ago...Why can't this be an option?

Why are we in more of a hurry to let Terri Schiavo die than we are to put a convicted murderer to death by lethal injection?

Her eyes are open...She has a soul...She is not on life support...If you put food in her mouth she would chew it and swallow it.

If there is a scintilla of hope, why are we so eager to pull the plug?
Something is wrong here.


Blogger jimmy said...

This sucks. It's a hard question. There are several sides to this story. I've seen interviews with hospice nurses that have worked with Terry and they say that she IS in a vegetative state, and that she experiences no emotion, and no pain. But I have also seen the video where Terry follows her mother's face with her eyes and tries to emote, and express some sound. It comes out guttural and wired sounding but there's no denying that when that footage was filmed Terry was capable of some level of thought, and comprehension.
Yes she had a GREATLY diminished capacity to experience life, but if she is currently in the same state as she was in the footage that most of us have seen, I say she needs to live. I disagree with much of what our president has to say, but I agree with what he said the other day, "we should err on the side of life". Having said that, I would not want to be kept alive after a certain point on life support. Say I fall down and I'm in a coma. Give me two weeks, if nothing, pull the plug. Do NOT rehabilitate me to the point where I might be able to grunt on a good day. It's too painful to watch.
This topic has caused much debate in my home. I say, "They've rehabilitated her to the point where disconnecting the tube is tantamount to murder". Then Katie says, "No way, you listen to me you bastard, if that ever happened to me and you left me in that condition for the rest of my natural life I would hate you forever, just let her die." There are so many things to consider. There's also the argument that this is a family decision and the courts and legislators have absolutely no business prying. I can see a point there too. It's all too much.... too much.... I can't think about this amymore, it hurts.

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this Judge should have recused Himself from sitting on this case because of his personal knoledge and or involvment with the parties represented there in. He can not be considered to be objective and uneffected by the nature of the proceedings. The government and Judiciary are sitting on their hands trying not to ruin the long and distinguished career of a fellow jurrist. This is what is wrong, the good old boy system, wether it be the Mob, the Brothers in Blue, Pollatics as usual. Any time that a social order preserves and protects the questionable activity by an individual or segment of that social network, that indicates the impending doom of that social order. Your Honor You should not preside over this case.

3:33 PM  

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