
12/12/2012 - The End? Part 2

A few days ago I posted some interesting info that I'd compiled about the date 12/21/2012...

What I didn't say in that post was what my personal thoughts are about all of the information that I'd posted, I'll do that now...

Q. Do I believe that the world and everything in it will cease to exist on 12/21/2012?
A. Of course not.

Q. Do I believe that some kind of fundamental change will occur on 12/21/2012?
A. Maybe, there certainly seems to be some intriguing information from very old sources that say that the date of 12/21/2012 does represent some kind of end, does that mean the end of the world? I don't think so...and to be truthful, the Maya people don't think the world will end either - What the Maya do believe is that there will be some kind of "End" - Whether that be the end of A Civilization OR All Civilizations OR The level that all civilizations will have come to be comfortable by that date.

Q. Do I believe in Astrology?
A. No, that is not a belief system in which I subscribe

Q. Do I believe in the "End Times"?
A. I'm going to say that yes, I do...BUT...I believe that the "End Times" began when Christ ascended and so for someone to say to me that the "End Times" are coming; sounds to me like lunacy...to be honest.
Also, fretting constantly about how the world will end is one sure-fire way to alienate yourself from the rest of the world that is just trying to make it to the weekend intact.

So, what will happen, if anything?
I hope that gas prices will go down personally. I'd also like to see the Crime rates and Divorce rates go down and I'd also like to see interest rates go up.

But seriously, everybody just calm down and worry about what your gonna eat for dinner tonight instead of how soon the world will end and how it'll do it.

To quote our 33rd President; Harry S. Truman - "Those who do not read and understand history are doomed to repeat it."


Blogger Kerry said...

Um, can I put in a request for more Saturdays? Because, you know, as long as we're speculating here, that would be cool.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humans in general seem to feel more secure when they can put an expiration date on things, even the universe/planet itself. Perhaps we crave chaos to our repeitive lives or just wish to start a riot. Anyway, if you are truly a good person, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I mean, doesn't sound like we have much choice.

Personally, I wouldn't mind the end of the world, a new age, OR nothing happening at all. The Earth's destruction will be kinda of a bummer on my 22nd birthday, too.

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that makes you 14 years old at the time of your post? Weird.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Larry Feraca said...

Check out Joseph Newman he invented an energy machine in the 1970's and they will not let him have a patent for it You can easily find his videos but look up Joseph Newman preparing for the ride of your life, and also Joseph Newman miracle warning from God. He will explain what is going to happen to this planet and why. Why do you think the oil mongers are getting their money now? They know the truth about 2012. Peace. Larry

6:54 AM  

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