
Terri Schiavo

If you've watched the news at all in the last few days you've more than likely seen one or two news pieces on a woman named Terri Schiavo who is the victim of a (supposed) heart attack that left her in a (supposed) vegetative state where she must be fed through a feeding tube in the side of her torso.

Terri Schiavo's life has been the subject of much debate and protest for several years and now the debate and protest is starting up again because Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo, is trying once again to have her feeding tube removed so that she will die.

Now, I can't say that I know a great deal about this whole situation and I've only been able to read both sides of the story very briefly and can only say that in regard to whether Terri Schiavo's feeding tube should be removed; my opinion is no, it should not.
I'll give you the quick and dirty details and you can form your own opinion after reading up on them...

- Here is what Michael Schiavo and his lawyers have to say that supports their crusade to remove Terri's feeding tube - and in effect - kill her.

1. Terri is in a PVS (Persistent vegetative state)
2. Many doctors have said that there is no hope for her
3. Removing her tube will be a natural and dignified way to die

- Here is what Terri's family, friends and supporters have to say in rebuttal to these claims...

1. Terri's behavior does not meet the medical or statutory definition of PVS.
Terri responds to stimuli, tries to communicate verbally, follows limited commands, laughs or cries in interaction with loved ones, physically distances herself from irritating or painful stimulation and watches loved ones as they move around her...None of these behaviors are simple reflexes and are, instead, voluntary and cognitive...Though Terri has limitations, she does interact purposefully with her environment.
2. All of the doctors that were assigned to review Terri's condition were assigned by Michael Schiavo and none of them met with Terri for more than 45 minutes total (at the most) - and independent accounts from doctors and medical professionals that were not assigned by Michael Schiavo that have met with Terri and reviewed all information available about her current state have all agreed that Terri is responsive and knows what is going on around her; and is not in PVS.
3. Removing Terri's feeding tube would cause Terri to dehydrate and starve to death...read here about the effects of dehydration and starvation and decide for yourself if it is a humane, natural or dignified way to die.

Here are a few (as of yet unconfirmed) pieces of information that I've heard from radio talkshow callers who refused to identify themselves but claimed to be very close to this whole situation and also very knowledgeable concerning the major players in this whole sordid affair...

1. Michael Schiavo claims that he awoke at around 4:00am in the morning for "some unknown reason", got out of bed and heard "a thump" in the hallway, when he went to find out what the sound was he found his wife in a "lifeless state"...
2. Reports from doctors that examined Terri shortly after the incident (that left her in her current state) pointed out that there were two hairline fractures in Terri's neck-area that are consistent with a car accident or a physical blow from behind...Michael Schiavo is legally Terri's guardian and has total say over the documents that explain this information - he has declined to allow anyone to see these documents since they were first written by those doctors.
3. Terri initially went through a great deal of rehabilitation to which she showed great response...when Michael Schiavo learned that Terri was going to start going through speech therapy in order to regain her speech; Michael Schiavo as Terri's legal guardian put a stop to any and all processes of rehabilitation despite the protests of her family and friends who were seeing great progress from the small amount of rehabilitation that had already taken place.
4. Judge George Greer has been trying all along to help Michael Schiavo in the effort to (in effect) kill Terri Schiavo - Judge George Greer is legally blind and can not even read the court documents that are presented to him, they must be read to him by the bailiff or other court staff...
5. Michael Schiavo worked for Judge George Greer as a registered nurse several years before Terri had the "accident".
6. The Sheriff who presided over the area (and may still) where Terri and Michael Schiavo lived - is a close and personal friend of Judge George Greer.
7. Michael Schiavo has made it very clear that his desire is to have Terri's remains cremated immediately following her death and that no autopsy will be performed - As Terri's legal guardian this is his right.
8. Michael Schiavo has been offered sums of money exceeding several million by several different private citizens and public institutions to relinquish his guardianship over Terri and give up his crusade to remove her feeding tube and let her die.
He has declined every offer without explanation or deliberation.

- Why is Michael Schiavo in such a hurry to let Terri die?
- Why will he not relinquish guardianship?
- Why does Michael Schiavo and his lawyers say that Terri is a vegetable when she shows a clear and well documented response to outside stimulation and closeness of loved ones?
- Why will he not release all medical records to the public regarding Terri?
- Why is Judge George Greer so motivated to help Michael Schiavo kill Terri?
- Why hasn't there been any investigations into any of the claims regarding Michael Schiavo's personal character, private actions and public crusade to kill a living, breathing, responsive human being?
More importantly, why not let her live?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not believe this story when I first heard about it. What man in his right mind if he really loved his wife would allow her to basically be put down. I don't think he loves her and is probably doing it for the money. I heard President Bush is now involved and I really do hope for her sake the verdict will be in her favor.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a difficult situation. I am not sure if there is a simple answer to either side of this debate, but there are a few things I would like to say. As most of us, we only know what we can read or what we hear on the news. There have been rumors that there is more to the story and that Michael Schiavo has other motives. They are only rumors. There are court appointed doctors that have been put in charge of Terri, I do not see how if there were signs she was deliberately harmed these doctors or any doctors would not have noticed. These same court appointed doctors have said she is in a PVS and has not shown any signs of improvement. Terris father has said she has reacted to them, but the doctors have said it is nothing more than a twitch in her body due to the PVS state she is in. She may realize that there is someone there, but by no means does she comprehend who it is or what they are saying. Yes, Michael has been offered millions of dollars to walk away, but has not. People ask why.... How about that he still loves his wife and knows she would not want to live the life she is. It is his choice and in my eyes is the right choice. Ask yourself this question, would you want to live like that? As my family has made my brother and I aware, they do not and I would not either. If I could, I would pull the feeding tube myself. Now besides that, I along with many others believe that congress should butt out of this one. It is not their business and by them sticking their noze where it doesn't belong, they are about to undermine over 200 years of jurisprudence. The last thing I wanted to say, is people think this will be a painful way to die, to any normal human being the answer is yes, but to a person in PVS it would not. They will simply fall into a coma and pass on. It is time Terri Schiavo's parents let their daughter RIP!

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I speak from experience on this matter. In Oct 1996 my wife was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. At that time she was very alert and in full control of all her bodily functions. two weeks later she was discharged from the hosp. with a feeding tube, called a J tube in her side. We had to inject through this tube her nourishment, things like Ensure, about 3 to 4 times a day. It went right into her intestines The Temp had to be at 98.6 and had to be injected very slowly She was now about 70% in control. Her doctor recommended Hospice care.. That afternoon all the equipment was delivered and set up. Her bed was in the living room. After After a week out of the Hosp. she had dropped down to about 50%. It became to painful for the food injections of her meals and under the advance of the Hospice nurse I ordered the food injections stopped . That was the hardest decision I have every made, knowing full well what would happen. The tube was then used for her meds witch were crushed and dissolved in Saline solution and injected through the tube. (You have to for give me as I have to stop for a short time, this is getting to much for me.) I'm back. After that things went down hill very fast. As much as I am a christen man it was so hard to stay in the room when friends would come in to see her and pray for her and then leave crying their eyes out. The morning (After midnight and before 5 AM) of Dec 3rd she was very restless. She would through her cover off then put it back over herself, She would reach toward the sky like she was reaching for someone's hand. She did this over and over again. Mid morning I went to the doctors office to tell him about her actions. He gave me a script for Ativan, I went home and gave her one Tab (It was about the size of a pin head) within an hour she looked so peaceful and calm. The next morning at 4:30 AM she was gone. I have so many things I could tell you about those 64 days but it is to painful. I will say this. That was the most agonizing days of my entire life. If I could prolonged her life for one Day, A Week, A month or a year for myself I would have loved to, Would I have pulled the plug if that was all I had to do to end her life, For her Yes

As far as this case goes It's up to the husband to make that decision. Now that the Gov. is involved and there might be a question as to what put her into this state An Autopsy should be preformed.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Paula S. said...

I'd like to play both sides against the middle, but instead I'll post my thoughts on this issue.

Would I want someone to prolong my life if I were in a vegetative state? No, absolutely not.

Would I want to maintain a loved one on a feeding tube/respirator? Yes, absolutely.

In both cases, I'm being selfish & I can acknowledge that fact.

Due to my hypothetical actions, I can fully understand both sides. However, part of my gripe with the husband is that he's fighting this issue tooth & nail.

At first, I thought his concern were the astronomical costs associated with maintaining life via artificial means. However, now I question his concern, as the costs would not be his burden to bear. If Terri's family & a host of supporters are willing to maintain her life, why would he care? What bearing would his wife's existence have on him?

This is when I began to wonder if her husband simply wants to move on. Perhaps in his mind, he already considers his wife to be deceased & is ready for her physical to catch up with her mental state. Perhaps he has someone else in mind & needs to be free to pursue his other interest[s].

In Papa Jim's case, his wife's disease consumed her body & mind and her actions clearly indicate some sort of "crossover" [for those who believe in this idea]. However, in Terri Schiavo's situation, there are so many "what ifs" that I do not believe it would be fair to deny her life, without probable cause.

I agree with Papa Jim that the government should not be involved, because this is clearly a social issue on the brink of morality & there should be a separation of Church & State. But, as is always the case in similar issues, lines will be blurred and once again, the government will rule out of jurisdiction.

Whichever side "wins", this will surely set a precedent for any other related issues, including abortion and euthanasia. Perhaps if Congress & other members of government considered this ripple effect, they'd retreat from setting/altering any public policy and let the matter be settled by the rightful next of kin, her husband. I don't agree with him, but I try to obey the law.

'Nuff said,


3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first heard this story I figured it was yet another attempt at the government trying to butt in where they were unwanted. And now the more I learn, the more I begin to wonder…
My first opinion was of the husband. He, I would think, knows her better than anyone. He, the one she lived with for so many years, would know how she would have wanted this to end. Why would anyone want her to live in such a state as the one she is in? Why would anyone want her to continue barely living? For a hope or mere chance that someday someone might be able to help her. I can understand how her husband might feel in this situation. It’s not like this just happened yesterday and now he wants it to end. If I were in her state I would want out too! The only legal thing he can do is to request that her feeding tube be removed. Yes, this does mean starving her. No, I don’t think that would be a great way to die. But would I rather live incapable of doing anything? No. Is this the best possible solution for them? I don’t think anyone really knows. Everyone does have an opinion though. And now the government gets to put their two cents in too. Why all of a sudden? Why is this case getting national attention?

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As sad as it may seem to let someone die like this, if the law steps in and stops this, there will be 1000's of cases similar to this each and every day. Congress does not have time for this and even if they did, that is not what they are there for. They have more imp. issues to deal with. It is a sad story but allow the law to proceed as it has for hundreds of years. Also a little side note. It cost taxpayers 80,000.00 a day to keep her alive. Her family is not paying for this. She deserves to rest in peace.

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched Fox News last night for 4 hours and all they did was talk about Terri's case. I was amazed and a little outraged that all of a sudden all these people that knew Terri are stepping forward saying there was abuse, a divorce in the future and that Michael Schiavo did this to her. What is up with all of the back stabbing and name trampling. Where have all of these rumors been for the past 17 years. Now because he is about to get is wifes wishes granted people feel the need to attack his character! He may not be the best person in the world, but who is. By no means does he deserve the coments he was getting. They had people on tv last night that were saying they were friends of Terri's and that she would want to fight this one out and not go like this, but they have not spoken or seen Terri is 25-30 years.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your article. I agree completely. As for papa jim who spoke of his own experiences and then said that Ms. Schiavo's case was "the husbands decision" I find that to be an incredibly cruel response. My mom died from cancer and we were "encouraged" by doctors to starve her to death, before even attempting to put a feeding tube in. Because her cancer was so wide spread, it could have potentially punctured a tumor if we had inserted a tube. Instead, we sat by her bed and fed her every day. We waited until she opened her mouth. We did not leave her. She recieved fluids through an IV. She eventually passed away, but not from starvation.
No one should die from starvation or dehydration. Not children in India, Africa, or unconscious people with husbands like Michael Schiavo.

4:57 PM  

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