
A Small Revenge

The Bible says "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." and "Vengence is mine, Sayeth the Lord...", As well, Karma tells us that "What goes around - comes around"...
Chinese philosophy teaches through the Yin and Yang that all light and good has a perfectly opposite darkness and evil...And we are taught from the time that we are born that our actions, whether big or small, have equal and opposite reactions...In fact, the entire world seems to be telling us with every cycle of the moon and dawning of the sun that there is light and dark in every "thing."
Including us.
In my own life I have met many people that truly believed that if they were "good enough" and did enough "good things" that all of their bad deeds would be wiped away and they could die with a clean slate...as if all of the detached frog legs and moth wings could be reattached with Holy Ghost Super Glue and all of their bad deeds and evil thoughts could be wiped away with Jesus Christ's blood in a spray bottle...Is being good truly enough to reset the counter on the questionable things we have done and will do?
Can we, and more importantly, should we ignore, hide from and push down that dark side of our selves in an effort to boost our "Holiness"?


Blogger sara said...

Sorry to be the one to say the obvious... but TRULY our Holiness comes from Christ. It's complete. It's like our screwed up ways don't exist.

If the power of sin is the law, and we aren't under the law... there's (sorta) no such thing as sin. How can you break a law that doesn't exsist? Hmmm. :)

The point is to let CHRIST live through us. If we let Him, there will be NO dark side, right?


9:06 AM  
Blogger Benji said...

While I agree personally that our spiritual Holiness comes from Christ alone, for the purposes of this blog and my personal life I think that is incumbent upon me to speak in a language that is plainly understood by all "seekers", whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, Redneck or Hippie...

To be honest; my question is posed more tongue in cheek than maybe I let on...I'm just trying to bring to light that virtually all outside sources of information and knowledge point to a scientific and spiritual certainty, that is that, every thing has two sides, be it black and white, dirty and clean, smelling like a rose or rotting like a trash can...my question is, should we ignore, hide from and push down that "dark" side in an effort to boost our "holiness" (again tongue in cheek) - or if you want to replace "holiness" with "light side" that's fine too...

For me, I think that there could be no greater error than to deceive ourselves into thinking that we are immune to that "darker" side of ourselves because of our faith and/or belief and/or works.

Does this mean that we should seek to know our dark side as well as our light in an effort to know ourselves better? Probably not, but hiding from the dark under a big warm blanket doesn't make the dark any less dark and doesn't make it go away either.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's less about pushing down the "dark side" and more about focusing on bringing forth the "light side". If we're too focused on the dark and how much we should embrace it...than there will be no room for the light. Admit that the dark side is there, admit that it sucks, then do good.

9:36 PM  

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